While I don’t recommend any of the following techniques, I am including
them because I have seen them work. I strongly believe that these do not
make good long-term strategies because they are likely to be caught and
discredited. That said, I have seen many websites rank highly (at least in the short term) using these techniques.
Buy links from directories
If you choose to go this route, be sure to only buy directory links from pages that both pass juice and are highly ranked.
(I recommend a mozRank of 5.00 or higher.)
You want your link to be as few clicks from the homepage as possible and
You want your link to be as few clicks from the homepage as possible and
appear as legitimate as possible. Remember to measure the
authority of page that will actually contain your link, not that of the
home page of the site, and not that of the top category page that your
link will be assigned to. If the category has 12 pages of links already,
you’ll be near the back, and the page is less likely to be authoritative
and crawled frequently.
Buy links from link brokers
Link brokers sell or lease space on highly trafficked and linked-to websites.
This means they potentially can be helpful for both SEO and driving traffic.
Buy the help of social media influencers
This is my favorite of my “not recommended” link building practices.
Most of the popular content on social media websites is controlled
by a relatively small group of content submitters.
These powerful people can often bebought,
and while success of getting content on the homepage of
popular sites is not guaranteed, it is likely.
Buy natural links
Do you have connections to someone at an important website?
If so, you could potentially buy links from them. I don’t recommend it,
but if kept quiet, it will most likely help you.
Make Every Page Link-Worthy
Ten or fifteen years ago, the best web programmers were the ones who could
balance visual effect and code economy. In other words, there was no reason for
a line of code unless its result was a benefit to the site. Limited bandwidth
created a value for fast-loading pages. For users with a limited bandwidth of, for
example, 56 Kbps, every second was valuable and any extraneous coding
simply wasted time.
Similarly, the philosophy behind link-worthy pages is that there’s no reason to
create a page if that page has no chance of ever being linked to for one reason
or another, from some site or another. Because link juice and authority are both
limited and valuable (like time and bandwidth were in the preceding example),
there is no benefit to creating pages that will simply suck the site’s authority and
never earn their own.
This doesn’t mean that all pages are therefore created equal and should get
equal treatment from your architecture. Instead, it means that while you’re
deciding upon your content, you should similarly decide upon the level of
authority that each page will be granted. While you may be forced to have a
“Terms and Conditions” page, you can also decide that it will receive no link
authority from your navigation (which is quite different from saying that it won’t get
any internal linkage).
Content for content’s sake is a waste of resources and a distraction for users.
It’s far better, in terms of both SEO strategy and user experience, to have
12 pages of real meat than 100 pages of shadow and dust. If you’re about to
create a page but are unable to envision who would link to it or why, then you
should reconsider creating it.
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